Does Hard Work Guarantee Success ?
Sometime last week, one of the African magazines I follow online shared a very interesting picture on their Facebook page. It was a picture...
Do You Love Your Own Journey?
There is a tendency to think that anyone who writes a blog, a column in a syndicated newspaper or a best-selling book has it...
God Can Use You Too
1. He was one of six children and only son of single mother.
2. He graduated from high school, moved to Chicago, and eventually to California.
How To Control A Job Interview (Part 2)
Turn Questions Around to Your Advantage
In our primer on answering difficult questions, we shared Woodall’s advice on how to respond to challenging queries. The...
Turn Your Dreams Into Reality
Life is full of fun, mystery, heartache, joy, tears & laughter. Often life can be confusing and miserable, uncertain and unstable. While life is...
There Is Room For You In This World
I’m a big movie fan and, each year, nothing delights me more than awards season. Whether it’s the Golden Globes, the BAFTAs or the...
How To Control A Job Interview (Part 1)
There are two ways to approach a job interview.
With the first, you take a pretty passive stance. You control what you can on your...
Can Certain Foods Heal Nerve Damage?
Can certain foods heal nerve damage? I recently came across this very informative and interesting article regarding nerve damage and possible solutions to encourage...
How Often Do You Reflect On Your Life?
I have a confession to make. I think I'm becoming obsessed with gadgets. Of course, it's generally believed that even adults 'love their toys'...
Communication – less is more
It is said that the average American consumes 34 gigabytes or the equivalent of 100,000 words over 11 hours a day from all media sources. I...