Seven Steps to Staying Motivated
Sustaining motivation can be tough under the best of circumstances. So how can you stay motivated when your to-do list runs to four pages, you...
Don’t Burn Bridges
Several years ago, I was walking from the supermarket when, in the distance, I heard the sound of footsteps and a voice yelling, 'Excuse...
I Hate You! – Effects of Emotional abuse
I hate you...
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me...
I clearly remember as a child quoting this over and...
Why Do We Need Motivational Speakers?
Recently, I had an interesting conversation with someone and the discussion centered around the rise of 'so-called motivators' and motivational speakers in the world....
Money Is Just A Tool
Almost everything we’re taught about money is focused on spending it and saving it. Parents, teachers and even personal finance books discuss saving money...
Celebrating 60 Years Of Marriage
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and his wife Leah said the secret to their six-decade long marriage has been laughter.
Today the couple celebrated their 60th...
Keep It Simple
There is something that sounds grand and important about the term 'making a difference'. As we go through school and then grow up, we...
Know What You Are Good At
I took a short course on self-development few years ago where one of the facilitators, who led a session on gift assessment shared on...
Leaders Should Never Keep Secrets
This post isn’t about leaders keeping secrets about sexual affairs, mismanaged money, or harassment. That’s bad enough. But this is about leaders who use...
If You Had One Wish
Okay, we all have had the opportunity to at least fantasize about having the ability to wish for something and magically have it happen,...