Money Mistakes To Avoid
You want to be wealthy and prosperous, right? So, do billions of others around the world. Why aren't we all wealthy then? Part of...
Winter Health Tips
We all get the dreaded cough, sneeze or runny nose at times. Flu, bronchitis, the common cold, or even them nasty allergies - they...
The Power Of Helping Others
We all go through moments when we are down and we aren't sure if we have what it takes to make it through. What's...
Greatness Inspires
I am inspired by greatness. Greatness as defined as something extraordinary or someone who has made great impact in changing the lives of others...
How Do You See Yourself?
Worthless or Worthy?
Do you like yourself? I’ve got to discover that most people really don't like themselves. Some of them know it, while others don't even...
How To Set Up A Budget
Do you know where your money goes, or does it kind of just disappear from your account? A budget—even a basic, barebones one—is one...
I Don’t Like My Family
If you are not one of those whose parents 'coerced' into a specific field of study, you probably chose what course to pursue, which...
Being Gay?
Some people say they live the gay lifestyle and some say they are born gay. I am totally confused.
On Christian radio, certain websites...
6 Foods That Can Make You Happier
If you’re in need of a little more glee, here are 6 foods that can make you happier.
Probiotic-rich foods
In a recent Dutch study, 20...
Addiction Ain’t The Real Thing
We all go through life looking for something. Psychologists say that human needs can all be categorized into certain boxes where we all snugly...