Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Do you own your possessions or do they own you?

Everyone likes to have nice things. A good car, a comfortable home, the latest model of whatever electronic device is top of your must-have list. All the things that...

Money that makes a difference

There are few things in life that outlast our own lifetime. This means we have to think long and hard about our legacy. Recently, I've started asking myself an important question: How can...

Making room for the important things

What’s important to you? If you take a step back and look at your life, what are the things that add the most value? What would you miss the...
make it happen

Make it happen

In life, it is often easier to take the approach of waiting. You wait for things to happen. You wait for people to give you something. In short, it's a passive approach...

I propose!

This one’s for all of you freelancing creatives and aspiring entrepreneurs: I’ve never been one who likes asking for help, and more especially for money or things, and I feel that...

Mastering temptation

Bill battled drug and alcohol addiction for many years before starting his journey to freedom. Relapsing is a scary thought to contemplate for the addict and their loved ones,...

Want to grow? Be diligent

Diligence – Definition: careful and persistent work or effort; constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken. It is increasingly interesting to watch the lives of the people who were on...

How do leaders navigate tough seasons?

I visited the UK a few years ago during what they called the economic recession. It was admittedly not the best time to land in the UK looking for...
cheerful woman

Free as a bird

While walking the other day two tiny birds flew down and landed really close to me. I stopped to watch them as they pecked at the ground for food....

Do you pay a living wage?

I ran a fun experiment on Facebook recently by asking people what they paid the person who cleaned their house. This is my status: I'm interested to know what people are...

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