Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A New Year’s Evolution?

Next year I will... In 2016 I will stop... From this moment I promise I'm going to be more... Fill in the gaps right? And being New Year's Resolutions, they have as...

Make Life A Work of Art

Have you ever felt trapped in the 'have to's' of life? Those moments when you feel like everything is an obligation and you have forgotten why you do what...

Change Is Awesome

I love Christmas; I always have!  When I was a young child my father would always bring home a freshly cut pine tree and set it in the lounge....

The Roller Coaster Rides Of Life

Life, for the majority of us, has been one big roller coaster ride, irrespective of our age.  I think as we get older, so the amount of times we...

How To Respond During Crisis

#FeesMustFall is a serious reality in South Africa. With a national increase of just over 10% set to take place in 2016, students are in uproar as many are struggling to...

Don’t Journey Through Life Alone

Life is a journey, nothing is certain - there is no predicting the outcome... There are many memories we carry with us from our childhood, and school memories are certainly...

Join Me On The Beach

I drive up to the traffic lights. I make the obvious move of looking at my cellphone to keep me 'distracted' from the old lady carrying her young baby...


Money is a strange phenomenon. I don't know what your first thought is when I mention cash... but to be honest mine is immediately awkwardness and a little bit...

Why You Need A Mentor

These days, it seems like everybody is starting their own businesses. In fact, it’s almost surprising to meet a twentysomething who actually has a boss. In many ways, this is...

Your Future Starts With You

I've seen it in the movies, and I've experienced it in real life - people will do almost anything to get a sneak preview at the future and what...

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