Ever find yourself wanting something you know you just can’t have? Like those pair of R2000 shoes you eyed out the other day in...
Forgive and Accept
Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny... C.S Lewis
Make no mistake about it, in this life you will endure some serious hardships,...
Biscuit Thieves
Theft and thievery is practiced all over the word. Some steal to survive due to severe poverty, others for the thrill, still others because "that's...
I Wish I Had a Body Like Her..!
I wish I had her job. I wish I had her clothes. I wish I had their lifestyle. I wish I had a body...
Are you Afraid to Step Forward and Let Your Brokenness be Healed?
“Do not be afraid.
Do not be afraid.
Do not be afraid”
Those were the words I would repeat to myself, again and again, on nights that...
Change The Atmosphere
We all have the power to influence. The power to suggest a thought or an idea, the ability to change someone's perspective, even their...
Intimacy – Man’s Greatest Need
Intimacy is our greatest desire and yet our greatest fear. Intimacy is at the heart of all healthy and fulfilling relationships; knowing that we...
We all need to know, “we are not alone!”
We all need to know, “we are not alone!”
My weekday mornings look the same: I push snooze, I push snooze again. I get out of bed,...
Spring Clean
There is nothing fresher than the subtle hint of morning mist as dew droplets gently brush over the roses and lavender - releasing a...
Volcano Calbuco
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We all know this saying very well. We all have different tastes, different things appeal to us....