Friday, March 28, 2025

Exposing corruption

Ben: Corruption is invisible.  It is a backdoor activity. It’s a bank transaction. It’s that meeting that happens when the rest of the employees have...

Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom We are talking about old people today, their wisdom and advice. We are wondering if there are any proverbs, sayings or motto's...

Art Appreciation

Being an artist from an early age, I've been exposed to so many different expressions of art. From drawing to painting, design, photography to...

Advertising, Media and the Manipulation of the Nations

Advertising, media and the manipulation of the nations We live in a media driven generation, even more so than in the previous decades where everything...
Addicted to pornography

Wait a Minute! Did He Just Say ‘Addicted To Porn’?

Yes, he did just say ‘addicted to porn’.  Being addicted to porn is not only a reality for many men in society but also...
Angry SA Crime Police

Get angry – Three Little Pigs Video Release

Get Angry   Through all the news coverage and more and more explicit movies being released nowadays, we've become numb as a society. We are bombarded...
Michael Jackson Will you be there

Will you be there

Will You Be There Growing up, I was never very well versed with what occurred in the music circles, not that I was clued up...

Manhood Redefined

This guy is very unconventional, bold, has a history with porn addiction and collects sanitary towels / pads for young women who cannot afford...

9/11 Perspective

Some of the most captivating stories from the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the USA were recounted by the many firefighters who served and saved...

Ultimate X – Let’s Go Extreme

Sometimes in life you just have to do something out of the ordinary, something out of the box, something you wouldn’t normally do, something...

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