Love Made Strong Through Storms
We’ve had fifteen Valentines Days together and I can still remember our first date. I’d agreed to go on a date with him because...
Live like you are dying
I know a title like “live like you’re dying” might sound strange, but it will all make sense by the end.
Have you ever been...
What you say affects what you see
There have been so many opinions and comments floating around social media after the past few weeks. People are skeptical and afraid and they...
How Quickly We Forget
How is your memory? I know that my own memory is more like a sieve than a sponge but I am not taking about...
Why we should celebrate
Who doesn’t like a celebration? It’s a chance to be joyful and mark a special occasion. Parties are fun but you don’t have to...
You Can Handle It
Can you believe it we are 27 days into the New Year? It's already been a big year for me and probably for you...
Back to stress?
It's the start of a new year which means many of us are back to school or back to work. But could it be...
Purpose equals stability
The other day while I was walking down the road, a strong wind came up and nearly blew me off my feet. I had...
Making good choices
Life is full of choices. Some are big and some are seemingly less significant. Every single day, each and every one of us, makes...
When what God gives you is not enough
Have you ever prayed and believed for something? What was the outcome? Have you always received exactly what you prayed for? What do you...