Friday, March 28, 2025

Surviving the teenage years

Everybody warned me. Teenagers are a nightmare, or so I was told. Family members give their two cents and sitcoms paint the teenage years...

Whose advice should you take?

One of the most vital things any parent can have is information. Babies, while being wonderful and priceless, have one major flaw: They arrive...

Get off your phone

There have been many times that I have found myself driving behind someone who was driving badly. I would pull up next to them,...

Does your compassion move you?

Life Happens Life is wonderful. It can also be incredibly hard. From one day to the next you never know what’s around the corner and...

Mom shaming vs pro-parenting

If we had to focus our energy onto being "pro-parenting", instead of constantly debating back and forth with "natural birth vs c-section birth, breast...

Parentings hard? You’re not alone!

I'm not a parent, which automatically disqualifies me from giving parenting advice. Well, according to some people, anyways. But I do know a lot of parents,...

What death taught me

Death. Many of us have experienced it in some form or another in our lives. Whether it was a beloved family member or friend, I'm sure you'll agree...

Time management for moms (and dads)

Time. Don’t you wish you sometimes had just a little more of this valuable commodity? Most of us feel that we have more tasks...

What gossip tells you

I read this statement recently, "The things you say about others, say a lot about you." That's quite challenging, isn't it? Gossip tells you a lot...

God speaks. Are you listening?

Liezel joined me at church and youth group and sat in on many of the SCA (Student Christian Association) meetings in high school –...

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