Saturday, January 18, 2025

Are you too selfish?

It's all around us, isn't it? This blaring message everywhere we turn that it's all about us; it's all about what we want, what we need and where we...

When you don’t want the season you have

I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and my newsfeed was filled with pictures of people enjoying a totally different season than the one I found myself in. For...

It’s time to find a new dream

Dreams. Goals. Five-year plans. Whatever you call them, most of us have things we want to achieve or add to our lives. It could be a certain level of...

What fatherhood taught me about God

Are you a parent? If so, you have most probably had your fair share of ups and down. You know those moments of which I am speaking: those moments where your...
act your age

Do you act your age?

Recently I was going through old photo albums with my children looking at pictures from my childhood. My kids love to see photographs of family members when they were...

What your family really needs from you

There is so much pressure today on parents to provide for their children, to give them a good home environment, provide for their needs, set them up for success,...

Are you your own worst enemy?

We all set ourselves goals in life. Losing those few extra kilos; gaining top marks in our next examination; landing that promotion; or cancelling out our credit card debt. Goals...

Say No to FOMO

“No ways, I so bummed I couldn’t make it. I saw the Facebook photos and it looked ama-zing!” How many conversations have you had with something like this inserted into the...

The key to breaking a bad habit

Henry Ford once said “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”. Does it feel like you’re going round and round the same...

Whose advice should you take?

One of the most vital things any parent can have is information. Babies, while being wonderful and priceless, have one major flaw: They arrive without any instructions. This shortfall...

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