Monday, March 24, 2025

How do you parent a strong-willed child?

What it is like to be a parent? Sometimes it feels like you’re trying to herd cats.   There are those amazing days when you...

Habits of happy moms

A happy mom, what is that? What does it look like or feel like? As a mom I feel like I go between an...

Surviving the teenage years

Everybody warned me. Teenagers are a nightmare, or so I was told. Family members give their two cents and sitcoms paint the teenage years...

The entitled generation

Are you part of the entitled generation? There are so many good things that the modern day and age have brought us. There are...

Mind your manners kids

Every parent dreams of their children growing up having polite manners, and knowing when to say "please, thank you, you're welcome" as well as...

Different parenting styles

Not only does our behaviour and the way we speak to each other plays a vital role in influencing our little people, our style...

Helping your child with their anger

Anger happens. Chances are you see or experience it in some for or other every single day. Road rage. Social media rants. Frustration at...

You are not enough

That's what media screams. You are not enough. You are not pretty enough, or smart enough, or talented enough, or rich enough or thin...

Why we need good dads

A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society. – Billy...

The low down on Fidget Spinners

There have been many dialogues via social media, radio, TV, as well as open debates regarding Fidget Spinners. Some of you may have already...

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