Friday, March 28, 2025

Three things about faith

Going into the week of Easter, I was thinking about what defines "faith" for me. Many people struggle with the word faith. Some write...

When Life Throws You a Curve Ball

It's bound to happen to all of us, at least once in our lifetime. You know, when out of the blue, life throws you...
reading bible

Can God speak to me?

Have you ever had a time in your life when you really needed to hear an answer that only God could give you? I mean...

The power of trust

It's amazing how much power there is when we have the freedom and confidence to trust not only in others, but in ourselves, and...

Distance and time

Recently I've travelled from one city to another to visit family. In order to do so, I needed to get on a two-hour flight....

What If It’s Time to Move On?

If we're honest, not many of us like change. As creatures of habit, many of us like to settle into a comfortable pattern and...
Home Movie for the Deaf

A Deaf movie that speaks volumes?

As clichéd as it may sound, I have always been (very unashamedly) one of those girls who loves being comfortably couched in front of a good...

The power of one

“We must become the change that we want to see” – Mahatma Gandhi I remember leaving the private Christian school that I had been in since...

In the beginning

For some people beginnings aren't as simple and smooth as they are for others. Despite this, the fact is that we all need to...

If social media were real life…

In the light of recent events and discussions read on social media, I started to think about what it must look like from someone...

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