As I was driving this past weekend, I somehow started thinking about endings. There is so much tied up in that concept – a...
The goal is growth
So neither he who plants, nor he who waters, is anything, but only God who gives the growth. -1 Corinthians 3:7
Notice the emphasis at...
Does social media influence you more than it should?
Social media has the power to inspire, encourage, and equip us whilst keeping us connected and socially "in the know". Yet, there are times...
Dealing with your ‘stop signs’
There was once a guy named Max who would avoid Stop-street signs at all costs. He had never attempted to drive because of this...
What the world needs now
What the world needs now is love sweet love,
It's the only thing that there's just to little of,
What the world needs now is love...
My faith is not blind
Sometimes I find myself looking at the future and trying to make sense of where I am now. There’s this nagging fear that my...
Is God faithful?
Have you ever been faced with a difficult situation and wondered to yourself, "Is God faithful?" It becomes increasingly challenging to keep believing that...
Are you experiencing an identity crisis?
I think we all experience some sort of identity crisis at some point in our lives. You know those moments where we are left...
What you say affects what you see
There have been so many opinions and comments floating around social media after the past few weeks. People are skeptical and afraid and they...