Monday, March 10, 2025

To be carefree

Have you ever wished you could just go back in time and be a kid again? That you could go back and not have to...

In pursuit of God-given vision

Life gets a bit tricky sometimes, doesn't it? Those unexpected curve balls that are unavoidable; those ridiculous, demanding deadlines; the unexpected and unplanned... all these...

How to deal with criticism

A few years ago, I had a Skype meeting that changed my life as a creatively inclined freelancer forever. Part of my job description is...

Mastering temptation

Bill battled drug and alcohol addiction for many years before starting his journey to freedom. Relapsing is a scary thought to contemplate for the...

How to stop terrorism

It seems to be all around us. Every part of the world seems to have been affected by terrorism in one form or another....

Adventure in your soul

I don’t know about you, but I love adventure. I find something extremely thrilling about venturing out into the unknown – seeing what will...

You can hear the voice of God

I grew up in a Christian family. My mom sang in the worship team (she was the worship team) and my dad drove us to...

67 minutes vs eternity

Today, 18 July, is known as Mandela Day, celebrating the life of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, born 18 July 1918 (passed away 5 December 2013). Nelson Mandela...

It’s in the stretch

Do you ever feel like you are going through a season where your character is being refined and stretched? Man, oh man, those seasons can be...

Faith when terror strikes

Along with many others, my heart broke when I learned about the recent attack in Nice, France, when a man in a truck drove into...

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