Monday, March 24, 2025

Faith it till you make it

Faith it till you make it! Yup, you heard me: "faith it till you make it!" You are probably wanting to correct me by...

Honouring your parents

Do you get along with your parents? Navigating your relationship with your parents when you are an adult can be tricky. Honouring your parents...

The perfection of peace

There is a dying currency of peace in today’s society. Just 50 years ago there were no cell-phones, social media or 24 hour television...

War on shame

Many think that shame is synonymous with guilt. Guilt is a fact. If you go to a court, you will find people arguing to...

Little lies we believe

Sneaky whispers creep in with deceptive lies, that end up making homes within our hearts. Little whispers that mess and toy with our emotions,...

You can be any age and still dare to dream

I was recently chatting to an elderly lady at a children's party, and she was telling me how everything she does is for her...

True accountability

I have been appalled at what people perceive to be 'accountability' today. If we look at government and big corporations, it is unfortunately clear...

When people hurt you

Have you experienced this in your life? When people hurt you it is such a difficult thing to go through. People hurt us for...

When Light versus Dark, Choose to be the Light

Anyone who knows me, who has spoken to me for a few minutes, or who is just a complete stranger who sees my tweets,...

Getting along with difficult people is impossible

Have you ever had to deal with a difficult person? Perhaps at work or at school? Maybe even in your family? People can be...

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