Can God speak to me?
Have you ever had a time in your life when you really needed to hear an answer that only God could give you?
I mean...
40 years of Joy(ce)
I'm sure many of us have heard the ever-inspiring Joyce Meyer speak a message of hope and life at some stage in our lives. Joyce has pioneered a...
Are you playing the ‘grace card’?
Sometimes I feel like Christianity is confusing. There are so many conflicting concepts flying around that really don't make sense. For example, it says...
I don’t know everything and that’s just fine
I’ve often asked myself why there isn't some kind of mandatory training and examination before someone becomes a parent. For driving, practicing medicine, teaching,...
It’s not about being religious
“A good reputation is preferable to riches, and the approval of others is better than precious silver or gold… A humble person who fears...
6 practical ways to deal with hurt
After a while you must let go of what lies behind you and press forward. If you don't , the past will destroy your future.
Hurry up and wait
I can’t explain how angry I have been at various occasions in my life when a meticulously planned course changed at the last minute....
How do you water your ‘God potential’?
Do you know that each one of us is born with a seed of "God potential" within us? I believe it's part of what...
If only you would believe
It was in the middle of a conversation about vision, life, and where we wanted to go when I suddenly realised something I hadn't...
Struggling to read the Bible?
Reading the Bible can sometimes be difficult.
Many times I have had to psych myself up to just open this book, let alone draw something...