Wednesday, January 15, 2025

What do you really need in life?

In a global population of somewhere around seven and a half billion people if you were to ask what we really need in order to have a good life,...

Put Away Prejudice

I was twenty-four when I realised I have an accent. I knew other people spoke with an accent, but I didn’t think I did. I was born into an...

Surviving the dating game

Has the dating game, become just that -  a game? We live in a world where dating websites and dating apps help people find love by meeting a potential...

Stop asking for easy

I recently saw a post online that said we should stop asking for easy. It intrigued me because 2016 was a particularly challenging year for me. Here is an excerpt of...

Values: In this house we do

What are some of the 'we do' statements that you are about? Sometimes in life we can get caught up with avoiding things instead of pursuing them. I am married to...

Unwanted gifts

There is so much to love about Christmas. Family meals and gifts under the tree are my favourite. Inevitably we will all receive at least one unwanted gift. Likely...

Thrifty Gifting: Your 2016 Guide

Being an adult is complicated. Tiresome. A lot of work. Just think of what Christmas was like as a child: the pinnacle of the year. A guaranteed shower of...

Letting go of unforgiveness

I've heard it said that holding on to unforgiveness is like drinking a cup of poison and hoping that the other person dies. Now I don't know your story and...

You is KIND, you is SMART

Everyone is talented in their own way. I love to travel. I love experiencing culture and watching the fascinating way it shapes and moulds humanity. I like observing the small...

There is strength (and more) in numbers

There is a lot to be said for enjoying your own company. It’s great to be comfortable on your own and have the confidence to take on life solo,...

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