Sunday, March 9, 2025

Virtual friends: An intro to The UnNamed Ones

I have written a few times about the Hashtag Games I run on The Twitterer . You can read some more about that in Get...

Magic Words

What if you could build things with your words, like God? Say I said, "river" and a river would appear and we could jump...

When they go low, we go high

Has anyone ever told you that you should ‘Be the bigger person’? When you’ve been treated badly or someone has walked all over you,...

Do your feelings rule you?

I recently sat across from a dear friend and we were discussing how life was treating us. We laughed at ourselves because we both...

Othering: Getting to know the ‘Other’

Blessed are the 'Others'. Have you ever been in a conversation when suddenly someone whips out the phrase 'those people' and it suddenly feels like a...

God and dating

Most children find moving schools hugely traumatic, but I thrived when we moved from one side of town to the other and had to...

Living in the grey area

Have you ever found yourself living in the grey area? You may expect things to be black and white, clearly right and wrong, or...

You’re such a snob!

I’m a coffee snob. When it comes to coffee it should be properly ground black coffee – no sugar. Maybe it’s your favourite brand of...

Celebrating the success of others

Very often in life it can feel like it's each man for him-self. It is almost as though in order to get ahead you...

Are you a people pleaser?

Do you find that no matter how busy your schedule is, if someone asks you a favour, you always say yes? Even if you...

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