3 commitments every single should make
“Until we’re ready to fully commit to a relationship, we’ll never receive the full benefits of a relationship. Commitment precedes blessing.” – BJ Thompson (@bj116)
When your (real) friends show up
Who are your friends?
If I posed that question to you, I imagine a number of names quickly come to mind. Some that you feel...
Sin or an everyday mistake?
I don’t have children myself but I’ve baby sat and nannied enough to know a thing or two about it. Children don’t know how...
Understanding the power of influence
Gary Chapman, relationship counsellor and author of The Five Love Languages series, says we are not able to change a person, but we are able...
The art of saying sorry
It’s one of life’s biggest mysteries. What is it about the two words "I’m sorry" that makes it so hard to say? The biggest...
The power of great friendships
There is significant power in the choosing and maintaining of great friendships. Why? Because your friends are the people you allow to speak into...
Don’t underestimate the journey
Sometimes I wonder how I even got here.
Do you ever have those moments where you just stop and think that? It's interesting to recall events and...
When you don’t want the season you have
I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and my newsfeed was filled with pictures of people enjoying a totally different season than the...
It’s time to find a new dream
Dreams. Goals. Five-year plans. Whatever you call them, most of us have things we want to achieve or add to our lives. It could...
You won’t make it alone
I’ve been keeping a close eye on South African band Beatenberg since, well... forever – since the day my cousin sat me down in the...