How to hold a successful dinner party
Sometimes it feels so darn hard to make a difference on the planet, right? I mean there is so much need and it can...
How to lead creatives well
Are there any people in your world that simply aren't like the rest? You know, the kind of people who will always be different – not on purpose,...
Choose your words carefully
Words are wonderful but they can also be devastating.
I live in a house where two-thirds of the inhabitants are under the age of eight....
That dreaded question
It's a question that most guys try to avoid answering at all costs.
"Do I look fat in this?"
There we were, my girlfriend and I, enjoying a...
Think before you speak
Thinking before you speak is definitely one of those habits that seem to be dying out. It has become more evident lately that people easily...
Using porn to ‘spice up your marriage’?
I was paging through a pregnancy article when I came across this line, "Use porn to spice up your marriage."
I couldn't believe my eyes....
Are you your own worst enemy?
We all set ourselves goals in life. Losing those few extra kilos; gaining top marks in our next examination; landing that promotion; or cancelling...
How to find the gold in others
The more I speak to people, the more I'm reminded of their potential. People often exceed your expectations, and more often than not I find myself...
Save your marriage before you need to
My wife tbV (the beautiful Val) and I have been married for close to seven years and we attend marriage counselling.
I know, I know, it sounds...
The key to breaking a bad habit
Henry Ford once said “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”.
Does it feel like you’re going...