What if meeting friend’s needs became a common change?
My friend Darin was visiting Cuba with a mate of his and they were sitting on the side of the road trying to figure...
Egyptian Offers To Build A New Country For Refugees
Egyptian billionaire offers to buy an ISLAND from Greece or Italy and provide jobs so fleeing migrants can 'build a new country'
An Egyptian billionaire...
Will Suicide Send Someone To Hell
Will suicide send someone to hell?
This question gets asked so many times, in fact just this week a friend of mine asked me that...
4 Qualities That Make A Real Man
There have been many changes in the roles of the sexes over the past 60 years. As a result, the expectation of men and...
Dream Effectively
We all have goals and ambitions. If we all reached everything we have dreamed about, the world would be a remarkable place! But we...
Subtext – reading between the lines.
Have you ever had a moment, where you are happily glancing through one of your (many) online social media apps, and you read a...
What to Do When a Friend Is Depressed
Perhaps you've experienced loss before and now you're finding yourself thinking of someone in your life that has recently suffered loss, and who might be depressed....
The Five Essential Things Your Marriage Needs to Thrive
I started with a quick google search of "Tips to a Good Marriage".
Instantly my feed was full - '7 Tips for a Happy Marriage',...
10 Signs You’re In A Relationship With A Sociopath
We all want to be loved, don’t we?
Well, no. There are people in the world who don’t care about love. They don’t even know...
Why Is Having Friends As an Adult So Hard
I just accepted a great job several hours away from where I currently live. I have a great group of friends here, and I’m...