Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Why awkwardness is essential

On Wednesday I played my part and voted in South Africa's local elections. While standing in line (which was taking longer than usual) I...

Money that makes a difference

There are few things in life that outlast our own lifetime. This means we have to think long and hard about our legacy. Recently, I've started...

Are you absorbed with your phone?

I was at a baby shower over the weekend, and very casually I whipped out my phone and started Snap-chatting with one of those...

4 powerful podcasts

Life can be crazy sometimes... Or most of the time these days. I have found myself driving a whole lot more recently and I...

Do followers on social media matter?

"Click here for an instant 1 000 followers on Instagram". Have you ever seen this posted on social media? Whether it's Facebook, Twitterm, or...

An apology to women

I’ve only been around for 27 years, but in that time it has become clear to me that society does not appreciate the true worth or...

How do you see culture?

Culture. Some may think it's a natural amalgamation of tradition, taste, history, and perspective. I believe it is something that is inherently learned and...

Apple hits 13-year low

Should we be worried about Apple? And is Apple worried about Apple? This week, the company proudly brought to us by Steve Jobs, experienced a...

When art meets purpose

I'm sure many of us have been to concert or stadium events before. Maybe you found some of them inspiring – or maybe you left in...

The real price of innovation

History teaches us that human beings respond to change in different ways. Some of us find it easier to adapt to new environments, friendships, jobs, technologies,...

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