Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Android Lollipop

ANDROID Lollipop: A Lolly to Make You Jolly This Christmas

So the wait is finally over. Android 5.0 (Lollipop) has been released to the public. If you’re a Nexus device owner (like me), you...

“Breathing” Solar Battery

We all remember high school science…photosynthesis in plants to be precise. Photosynthesis is a process through which plants convert light energy from the sun...

4 Innovations You’ll Laugh At Yet Secretly Love

Having grown up in the '90s, I have watched my fair share of infomercials. As a child I didn't quite understand all the technological...

Is the iPhone 6 Africa’s Hottest Gadget of 2014?

Without doubt, one of the most hotly anticipated gadgets of 2014 has been the iPhone 6. Lo and behold, the good people of Apple...

Can Technology Answer All of Our Questions?

I have a confession, I am addicted to technology. There you go, I said it. I literally can’t go a day without it. If I’m...

Instagram now does video

So for those of you who may have missed what happened to one of the current most popular photographic social media platforms recently. INSTAGRAM...

The World is flat

You may have heard recent news about Nick D’Aloisio, a 17 year old boy who just finalized a 30 million US Dollar deal with Yahoo...

Advertising, Media and the Manipulation of the Nations

Advertising, media and the manipulation of the nations We live in a media driven generation, even more so than in the previous decades where everything...

SKRILLEX does FREE music workshop in Langa TONIGHT!

While Dubstep music might not be everyone's cup of tea, you cannot deny that the man who goes under the more commonly known name...

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