We all have the power to influence. The power to suggest a thought or an idea, the ability to change someone’s perspective, even their outlook on life. We think only the rich and wealthy have power, we think only the ‘well-spoken’ have the ability, or only the politicians have the platform to influence society. Insecurities and self-doubt are the biggest reasons for you and me not voicing our opinions, airing our views, being upfront and honest about how we feel about work circumstances etc.
I’m going to let you in on a secret. The loudest mouth in your office, the smartest kid in school, the toughest bully on the playground, the average Joe minding his own business – all have something in common: They are all human beings who have at some point or another experienced the same emotions you have, have had to work through self-doubt, insecurities and low self-esteem. There is not one person on this planet who has ever escaped these feelings and challenges.
So, the next time you want to voice an opinion, make a suggestion, air your concerns or just speak honestly – remember, wisdom is needed in all things, but ultimately you matter and your opinion counts, who know, you might have the next best billion dollar idea.
Now, I’m not suggesting that you lose all sense of sanity and start telling your boss his fortune, that would be silly! What I am encouraging you to do, however, is to spread your wings, take a step outside of your comfort zone, and make a difference.
Start small – change the atmosphere. The easiest way to try out this ‘new’ approach to life is to change the atmosphere. When you walk in a room you carry with you a presence, energy, vibe, spirit (and I don’t mean spooky) – you carry the very essence of who you are into that room, you take it everywhere you go, every day. So, when you enter a room full of genuine smiles and peace (for example), it changes the atmosphere, however dark or thick the air might be. It’s like lighting a candle in a dark room. No matter the size of the room, the light WILL displace the darkness and the atmosphere will change.
Best of all, it’s contagious. You WILL rub off on to someone else, even without saying a word – just by being you.
If you’re in need of changing the atmosphere at school, work or at home, why not get in touch with us and we’ll give you some guidance as to how you can make a difference by changing the atmosphere. Click on the banner below and contact us today!