Love matters!
You don’t need to look very far to see that love is considered significance for the vast majority of the world’s population. After thousands of years of civilization, love is still a foundational element of the human existence and something we, as a population, seek after and aspire to possess. And when better to see the importance of love than at Christmas.
Something’s missing
Imagine Christmas without a pinch of love. Seriously! I’m not sure there would be much point. Isn’t it love that makes us want to spend the holiday with family and friends? What about gifts? Don’t we exchange presents because we love people and want to show them how much they mean to us? If it wasn’t for the love we have in our lives the whole practice of celebrating Christmas wouldn’t make any sense.
At the heart of the matter
If you really look at it, gifts and quality time aren’t the only expression of love you find in Christmas. At the very centre of the first Christmas you find love. Christmas at its core is a celebration of the birth of Jesus. Any parent will tell you that the birth of any child is an amazing event but Jesus wasn’t just any child. Jesus was a gift from God and according to the Bible the reason God gave us Jesus is because He loves us. Without the motivating element of that love, the gift of Christ and the event of Christmas would never have happened. When God made mankind He made something that was good, but along the way we stopped being what He made us to be and because flawed and less than this original design. But He loved us. As a father loves a child that makes mistakes and makes wrong choices, God loved us. He loved us so much that He chose to step in and rescue us from our own mess. He did that by sending us the most precious thing He had, His Son, Jesus. Through Jesus we can reconnect with God. It was the ultimate gift, the perfect gift, and all because of Love.
Unwrap the gift
Many times are the Christmas season time with family that should be a period of celebrating the love you have for each other can leave you feeling disappointed and deflated. It can be more stressful than joyful. It’s also true that for those who don’t have loved ones either because of death or circumstance this time of year can be lonely and heart sore. Whether your Christmas is brimming over with love or if you find yourself alone and looking for those arms to embrace you, remember that the greatest love ever known is available to you in a relationship with Jesus. All you need to do to experience it this Christmas is accept the gift of Jesus.