Let me not be the guy to start with you on the topic of the ‘true meaning of Christmas’! I have some thoughts but it would seem that for the most part it’s best if I keep them to myself. Are you ready for the ‘but’? Here it comes then: BUT I must just add that Christmas and all it’s traditions are just a by-product of the original reason for celebrating this time of year, so let’s not get so caught up in the fun of this season, that we completely neglect the Truth. That’s it, really. Consider this then, nothing more than a reminder.
I watched this clip and it summed things up beautifully, so let me not steal its thunder.
I’m not so sure why I find this so darn powerful. Maybe it’s the huge dream I have to actually sit and talk to Jesus like he’s right there with me and I can see Him smile or shake His head at another stupid thing I’ve said or done! I bet you’d have heaps of questions if you could spend a few moments face to face with Jesus! Even if you were rather skeptical about God, I’m sure you’d have a few questions of your own. There is fun to be had this festive season, but there are also many things we might forget or neglect; so don’t. Have fun, of course, but don’t forget to also have Christmas with Jesus.