The other day I had a conversation with a young lady, I forget how the conversation started but we began to chat about what we do for work. I began to tell her a little about what I do but as most conversations go, I mentioned that I also help our young adults ministry in my local church.
Immediately her face went from being happy to this awkward half-smile. I didn’t know whether to burst out laughing or ask her if she’s okay, never the less I continued talking about how much I love people and threw in a bit of my story too.
After I finished she laughed a little and said that I don’t look like a Christian let alone a young adults leader. I always find it interesting that people think Christians should look a certain way.
She began to talk about how she always thought that leader or pastors in the church should be old people who are religious and tell you what to do.
At this point I started getting a little irritated, not with her, I was getting irritated with our culture. Everything Jesus did went against the cultural norm of his day. Yet still today we choose to be religious towards people.
Now I may have been acting out of frustration but when she finished talking I told her “Please don’t associate me with the Christians you know if that’s the perception you have of Christians.” Then I smiled and said, “ I’m just someone who loves God and loves people and God loves you.”
Now don’t know if I changed that girl’s mindset about Christians but what I do know is that Christianity and church isn’t for you if all you do is tell people how they should be instead of loving them wherever they are at.
Sometimes you just gotta smile and tell someone that they are loved.
God Speed.