‘Church is Boring!’ There must be a whole lot of people that feel this way because the pews are gathering dust and the average age of the church’s member must be touching on 50. Or am I wrong?
So why do we go to church anyway? I’m convinced that many go out of traditional obligation, others go because mom said they must, and if you ask them why, they might suggest it’s because we ought to or that they don’t really know. This is a problem. If you’re going to show off your new dress/suit/hat/shoes/bible cover or see that good looking guy/girl, you’ve again woken up early on a Sunday morning for no good reason.
I know there’s another truck load of Believers that have a very legitimate reason for heading to their local place of worship on a Sunday and that’s to get together with other believers. Like a family reunion of sorts, where brothers and sisters in Christ can simply acknowledge their needs for encouragement, and some delicious and nutritious spiritual food. And to head up all of that, they take a big chunk of their time and dedicating it to sharing and singing their thankfulness to Jesus for His goodness and faithfulness. And while they’re about it, they get a good helping of truth out of the Bible that can help to guide, encourage and re-direct. Sound like a few hours well spent if you ask me. But why do some enjoy it so much they go more than once on a Sunday but some think that the same service is boring? The answer must be found in personal ideas of exciting, or entertaining or fun, and perhaps it has to do with the way you view God. We have different churches that ‘do things’ in different ways and that’s great because there’s a style or time or way of doing things that appeals to different people. So then, if you aren’t really ‘into’ God or don’t quite get how He fits into your life, your Xbox will always be more exciting and why not go for a drive then; the roads are quieter. Church is not a place to be forced to go to. It’s a want-to-have that you enjoy because it fits into the gap your life has, the need for community and connecting with like-minded people around your passion. In this case, it’s Jesus. And because you like the people around you so much, you find reasons to hang out after church too, and the community side gets another injection.
If you’re loving God and loving people, church seems the logical way to bring it all together, and if at the same time someone comments on your new dress/suit/hat/shoes/bible cover while you’re about it, or you catch the eye of that good looking guy/girl; I’d say that there’s no way that Church could be boring.