Do you frequently feel miserable and uncomfortable because of an overly full, tight, and swollen stomach? You may be suffering from bloating. Bloating occurs when the stomach becomes swollen with fluid or gas. It is a common occurrence that affects atleast 30% of the population. The most common causes of bloating include indigestion, lactose intolerance and flatulence, which usually occur because of the kind of foods consumed. On that note, we have compiled the common foods filling your stomach with gas and causing you discomfort:
Cabbages and Broccoli
How: Cabbages and Broccoli contain a none digestible sugar called raffinose, which when fermented by bacteria,produces gas.
Solution: When it comes to consuming cabbage and broccoli, one rule applies: less is more. But if you must have large servings of cabbage and broccoli, steam it. This makes it easier to digest.
Dairy Foods

How: Dairy contains lactose, a sugar that most people’s bodies fail to break.
Solution: Lactose intolerance differs depending on the dairy product. Once you have determine the dairy product that is the culprit, cut it out of your diet.
How: The fibres and sugars found in legumes cannot be absorbed by the body. As a result, they are feasted on by bacteria in the intestines, a process which leads to production of gas.
Solution: Always eat legumes with easily digestible grains like rice.
Salty Foods
How:Excessively salty foods, especially processed products like crackers, lead to high water retention making one feel uncomfortably full.
Solution: Moderation is always key.
How: While apples are great for our health- I mean, the doctor did recommend it to keep him away- they also contain fructose and sorbitol which is unfortunate because many people’s digestive systems can’t tolerate these sugars.
Solution: You don’t have to cut out apples from your diet, but you do have to consume them in small quantities.
Source: africanwomanmagazine.net