Dear Younger Me,
You know that girl you think is sooo cool, the one you’re trying to be like? Just so you know, she’s probably trying to be like someone else (maybe even you). So, rather than imitate her and the way she walks, talks and has her hair cut and highlighted, just be yourself. You’re beautiful the way you are – love yourself. Oh and, toss the bad language; swearing around people you want to impress so you fit in is totally uncool and in fact it makes you look pretty stupid – like someone who has a very limited vocabulary. Why do you want to hang around people like that anyway? Blaze your own unique path – you have it in you, go for it.
Stop trying to be such a rebel – it just doesn’t suit you, you’re far too nice. Get used to the fact that people like you because you’re friendly, kind, intelligent, and you have a great smile.
Stop sitting on the fence when it comes to your faith – just choose to follow God with all your heart. He wins in the end anyway so stop fighting Him.
Don’t even try smoking. It gives you bad breath, bad lungs, bad looks, and a bad habit.
Don’t wait for that guy you’ve had a huge crush on all of high school to ask you to your final year dance. Believe me, if you go with him, you’ll hate every minute of it. Rather go with a friend who’ll treat you like the princess you are.
About drugs. Just don’t do it. Seriously. Anyone who tells you that they don’t know what all the fuss is about, has fallen for one of the greatest deceptions known to man. If someone you love and trust tells you to just try it once, say “no” and then get some distance between you and that person – and pray that they’ll soon realise they’re living a lie.
And, don’t let alcohol become your default when you need to unwind, de-stress, feel happy, or have fun. If you allow alcohol to become your “go-to” in a crisis or to boost your mood, it’ll turn on you like a vicious beast and devour you before you have chance to run.
Don’t be such a shameless flirt. You’re not playing fair. Be playful but know your limits and your boundaries and stick to them. Don’t manipulate, seduce or lead him on with your beauty and charm. As you value and love yourself, so value and love him and see him as His maker sees him.
When it comes to sex – get married first. Don’t be so eager to lose your virginity. Don’t be desperate to give him something that was only ever meant to be given to your husband. As much as you like him and are attracted to him, know who you are and value who you are. Be aware that he doesn’t actually love you if he isn’t prepared to put a ring on your finger and promise to stay faithful to you until death parts you, before he makes love to you. Sex before marriage brings a whole lot of insecurity and pain into a marriage which can take many years to resolve. You don’t need that kind of stress when you’re already trying to navigate how to do life in such close proximity to another human being who has another whole history behind them.
Enjoy life in the moment. Love yourself. Love people. Be aware of and acknowledge the little people, don’t step on them. Be confident but not arrogant. Volunteer more. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Be bold but humble. Laugh out loud. Keep in touch with friends. Don’t take offence so quickly. Don’t get into debt – if you want it, save for it. And, lighten up.