Have you ever noticed that sometimes the things in life that you would like definite answers on are not as black and white as you’d like. Instead they fall somewhere in the grey areas?
The question about whether or not you have a future is unfortunately one of those frustrating areas, because the answer is “yes” but at the same time it is also “no”.
Don’t count your chickens
Life is precious. It flies by in the blink of an eye, but life is to be valued and the time we’re given should be used to the fullest. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) we are never told exactly how much time we have. Yes, in some cases doctors can estimate how long we have left to live, but that is normally when an illness has taken hold and even then there are no guarantees that they are correct in their estimation.
The truth is that it doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, how much money you have, or how well educated you are – sooner or later we are all going to face death. I’m sure, if you’re like me, then you’re hoping that the end of your life is a long way off still. There are many things I want to do, to experience, to enjoy. I want to see my children grow up and spend many years growing old and grey with my husband. I want to travel more and read more, and the idea that it could be over one day is, at times, a bit too overwhelming to consider. The reality is that none of us are promised tomorrow. In the book of Proverbs, chapter 27 and verse 1 we are told:
“Do not talk about tomorrow because you do not know what the day will bring”
Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed for any of us. We have today and we should live as though that’s all we have. Don’t put off important things or wait for the perfect opportunity because that opportunity may never come.
It’s easy to believe, especially if you are young, that you have plenty time to fix broken relationships, make better life choices, or even make your peace with God, but the reality is that life can end without notice and before you’ve had a chance to make everything right. It’s foolish to decide to live a reckless life while you are young with a plan to clean it all up in your later years, because your later years may never come.
It’s not all doom and gloom
Then again, it may well be the case that there may be many, many years still ahead of you. Yes, we are fragile beings and life can end at any time but while there is still breath in your lungs there is a future for you to embrace. In the Old Testament book of Jeremiah, the Bible records this promise from God:
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
When we choose to live our lives in the way that God plans for us our future is bright and filled with hope. Another passage of scripture tells us that for those who are wise the path of their life journeys onwards and upwards. There is an unfortunate misconception that God wants those who believe in Him, and who live in a way to honour Him, forfeit any kind of enjoyment or excitement in life but the opposite is true. God wants us to live full, colourful, flourishing lives. In the New Testament Jesus tells us that he was born so that if we have a relationship with him we can live beautiful, satisfying, and abundant lives.