Most of the time we don’t even know people well enough, we don’t pay attention to things long enough to engage on a unique level; yet we pass judgment so easily. I think it’s time we do things differently and break the habit of putting labels on people.
I’ve been interested in this topic for a while now and wanted to write about it but didn’t know how to express myself.
I’ve always seen people put labels on each other without knowing the real damage a label can have on someone. I started to think maybe I should look more into why people actually give labels and what are the real damages of putting labels on others and placing them into categories.
I came across a video online that gives a clear picture and says so many things without the person having said a word. How society sees you and judges you without knowing you, your background, culture etc.
Most of the research I’ve done and the people I’ve spoken to & interacted with also feel strongly about this topic too. I think people resort to labels to help them in describing the person based on their actions or behaviors. Some labels can be misunderstood and harsh. It’s an offensive habit and it hurt others. Labels are used everywhere, especially high school, where certain groups of “cool kids” (as they would call themselves), don’t want to hang with the “boring kids”. I was once in high school and I know there are so many cliques, to the point where you feel you don’t fit anywhere, and that kills your self esteem.
Society will always see other people as the losers, nerds, rockstars, black, white, geeks, fat, skinny, weird, drop outs, stupid etc. It’s like everyone’s segregated. I wonder if the labeling will ever stop, will people stop judging others?
A person might dress in all black and you call them gothic or freak. Maybe deep down inside the person just likes the colour black. Labels are like covering someone’s real identity, you’re basically giving them a costume.
No one wants to be labeled. No one wants to feel pushed into a group or certain category. It’s dehumanizing and it pushes us away from each other. Don’t label me please, it’s killing me inside.
Here’s a video I found online. How do we break this cycle?
Maybe you’ve also been called names, perhaps even in a place like church; where you feel you should feel loved and protected, instead it has let you down. Talk to us, click on the banner below and share your story.