You can so easily lose your reputation at the end of year party. Free wine mixed with the joy of the year coming to an end can lead many astray. Here are 6 tips for leaving the office party with your dignity intact.
Watch your wine intake: alcohol is at the root of any problem; from expressing how you (really) feel about your boss/colleagues to blowing the cover off an on-going office gossip story.
Your best bet would be to keep alcohol to a minimum. Drink some nice virgin cocktails, and water in between drinks.
Attendance is important: unless there is a very valid reason not to. It is also an ideal way to bond with your colleagues – including those you don’t know – and your boss. Maintaining a positive relationship and energy at work is very important – you don’t want to be left out of that.
Also see this as a great networking opportunity.
Arrive on time: it is not ideal to arrive late or stay for too short a time, without a good reason that is.
Watch what you say: showing off your gift of telling jokes is all good, but don’t let it be at the expense of someone else, nor the cause of conflict.
Think Rihanna’s lyric: “Everybody’s vibin’ so don’t nobody start a fight”.
Dress appropriately: don’t be the one to miss the memo. If there’s a theme, go for it!
Avoid asking awkward questions: firstly, this can create a very awkward moment between you and your co-worker. Secondly, you stand the chance of being avoided all evening (no one will want to have a conversation with you). #Embarrassing
Avoid these and keep your dignity at the office party…!
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