I am probably the last person that should talk about this, simply because it took me nearly half my life to learn the art of taking responsibility and embracing whatever I’m faced with. Then again, maybe I am the best person because I changed my ways and have spent nearly half my life embracing whatever has come my way.
You notice in that little statement 2 options were given yet we so often blinded to the fact that we have a choice. In any situation there’s always more than one way of looking at it, but thanks to human nature, we are drawn to the negative side.
So what if I took half my life time to figure something out? The fact is, I did!
What we all need to master is the art of letting go. That’s where it all begins and magic starts to happen.
Let go!
This is probably one of the most difficult things you have to do but we all face it at some point in our lives. Sometimes we focus a bit too much on things that are not even meant for us in the first place. We become too engrossed with fitting in. The idea of being accepted and loved becomes more of a mission, something to accomplish. People-pleasing has become a daily routine, so much so that we create an unhealthy pattern of behavior, without even realizing it.
The first step is to learn to understand that not everyone is like you. Not everyone share the same values, principles, morals, likes and dislikes and here’s the best part – that’s okay! We were all created unique and that’s what makes you outstanding! The sad part is not everyone can accept and be open to this, those people become self-absorbed – now this has nothing to do with you, it has everything to do with them.
Sometimes, we shatter into a gazillion pieces because we didn’t get that promotion, we didn’t win that person over, our presentation wasn’t the best, our this and our that….stop for a while….it’s okay not be number 1 all the time. It’s okay to go through life in stages, it’s okay when someone else seems more accepted and liked then you are. That does not define you or your character. That does not make you any less special. Everyone has their own time and season for everything and you have the ability and choice to shine when you want to, not to prove anything to anybody but to remind yourself of the bright star that’s within you.
I was recently told “you’re very different”. I had the choice of receiving that in a negative way – allowing it to bring me down and consider myself inferior to others, question my character and compare myself to other people – or I really could accept that I am different and thank God for making me unique and outstanding. Different in a positive way, in a way that makes me stand out from the rest. Different in ways other people long to be – that was my choice!
Stop being a doormat, that was never God’s intention for your life! Own your situation, own your life and take responsibility for things which you can control and accept the fact that some things are beyond your control. You can’t change people but you can change whose around you. Don’t compromise your happiness, your blessings and certainly not your true, unique self!