We have all heard about ‘mountain vs valley’ experiences in life. The one being the joyful, happy, ‘easy go lucky’ moments, and the other being the hardships and difficult moments we endure. Miley Cyrus sings about it in one of her songs “It’s the climb”. She sings about life not being all about the end results, but the moments in getting there…the climb or journey vs the speed at which I get to the mountain top. I’m all for having a plan and reaching my goals, but I think far too often we race through life and we forget to stop and smell the roses, take in the moment and observe how God carries us through the difficult times of life. Furthermore, we hardly stop to appreciate people around us.
Psalm 23:4 (VOICE) puts it so beautifully – “Even in the unending shadows of death’s darkness, I am not overcome by fear. Because You are with me in those dark moments, near with Your protection and guidance, I am comforted.”
No matter where you find yourself today, remember life is always going to be filled with surprises, some difficult times and hard choices to make – in all of this, always rely on God’s strength and understanding, He will guide your path and give you the grace to endure to the very end!