I have always been a little crazy as a person. I think we all are. If you look at one of the greatest things young people are preoccupied with these days, I have found that they are aware of how different they are from others.
It is funny how in our teenage years this becomes a huge concern that can completely govern the way we live and think all the way into our adult life. I have awesome friends who are raising the cutest child on the planet. I didn’t realise it, but as a child grows there are different stages of development that can be clearly defined by their moods and their physical development.
One of these stages is the recognition of belonging to themselves. Which is actually termed the “loss of self”. This stage is when a baby realises that the hands they see in front of them actually belong to their own body. They begin to recognise themselves in the mirror. But it is also a time of discomfort as well.
I don’t think that stages of development change that much just because we get older. As young adults, I believe that we all go through a phase (long or short) where we realise we are unique. We have differences of attitude, opinion, conviction, and purpose. The way we think is extremely diverse. At first we freak out about it. Then as we mature I have seen how I have learnt to embrace it.
But I have also met a whole lot of people who have not been able to shake the “freak out” phase. The opinions of others, the sense of cultural pressure and the tendency to compare, have limited their lifestyles immensely.
The moment you realise you don’t owe public opinion anything is the moment you truly allow yourself to be unique. God made you in a specific way that needs to be expressed. Whether it be how you type text messages, how you dress, the kind of people you choose to be around or the type of movies you enjoy – you need the freedom to be yourself.
And another thing that I think is important to realise is that you don’t know who you are in entirety yet as well. Sometimes people use their uniqueness as an excuse: “I’m just not that type of person” or “I don’t feel comfortable doing this”. Understanding yourself will take a very long time. Things that are important to you now might not be important to you forever. So have grace for yourself and enjoy the adventure of self-expression. Don’t classify yourself. Encourage yourself instead.
One person who has the whole picture of your identity is God. He made you with intention and passion. He cares about how you value yourself. Click on the link below if you would like to know him better.