Why is fear such a reality in everyone’s life?  It’s a negative force that not 1 person is immune to, but have all suffered from.  Like a popular disease that has no vaccination, it goes around infecting all with its destructive symptoms.

Now, there is a very obvious difference between being afraid when an armed robber attacks you and living with a fear that leads to self-doubt and intimidation.  Having the common sense to run from harm is always encouraged, but running from people and situations just because they make you feel uncomfortable and because you don’t believe in yourself, there’s no excuse for that.

During my primary school years, I was a very shy introvert who barely spoke to anyone.  I had many self-doubts and insecurities and didn’t actually know or realize that there was a whole other way of life beyond my own reality.  Yes, I had my friends whom I spoke easily to, I wasn’t completely withdrawn, but I was very quiet and private.

By age 13, a friend who was 6 years older than me introduced me to a whole new way of life!  She (by her own lifestyle) showed me that it was okay to be unique, okay to be myself and to be free.  It wasn’t long before I broke out of my self-made prison and began a journey that would change my life forever.

I began facing my fears and challenging myself to remove restrictions that I allowed others to place on me, and one by one started cutting the ropes which held me captive.

Freedom from fear is a process and will only be effective if you constantly apply yourself to the cause, without ceasing.  Remember, if you fail and give into fear, get up, shake off the dust and try again. Your persistence will yield amazing results.

If you need help to face your fear and break free from self-doubt and insecurities, please click on the banner below and contact us today!