There are many things I can tolerate. Snakes, mice, wild life – the usual everyday creatures that most people have major freak-outs over. There are however a handful of creatures that I cannot even bare to look at. Spiders are among them.
When I was in primary school I spent time on a farm, and one evening while sitting on the floor watching TV, a massive, hairy spider ran across my hand which was resting on the floor and keeping me upright. Needless to say I had a mild heart attack and turned fifty shades of white!
How do you recover from that?! Now, in my adult years I can’t even look at pictures of spiders without getting a little anxious. Over the years, I have been able to face them head on and on most occasions I have managed to keep it together.
Now, fear has many different faces and doesn’t always relate to animals or creatures. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure and fear of man (and what people think) are probably the biggest of the lot.
It’s easy for someone to say that you should face your fear. People will often downplay your fear, as if it’s nothing major and will tell you to just get over it.
I find that kind of language completely unhealthy and unhelpful. Fear is real, and at some point in life we all suffer from fear. The success however doesn’t necessarily lie in the fact that we have conquered our fear, but rather the growth that takes place in our lives as a result of the process it took in getting to that point of fearlessness or at least, tolerance.
No matter what your fear is, remember you can overcome it and there is always hope! If you need help conquering a fear, please click on the banner below and contact us today!