There are too many men these days that are weak and not manly enough. They need to grow a pair and become real men! There are too many brothers who have sacrificed this God-given manly right and succumbed to the guise of a ‘fashion driven metro-sexual industry’. Dude! You need to sack up. And to all my manly macho brothers, well done! Forget pink! Keep it real!
Now having said all that, I don’t care how manly or macho you are or may think you are right now, I’m convinced there was a time when you were quite a wimp. Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. Remember that time when you woke up in the middle of the night and needed the toilet badly but didn’t want to get up because you were too scared of the dark and you wet your bed instead? Or that other time when you watched that scary movie and you were so freaked out that you didn’t want to close your eyes to fall asleep afterwards? Or how about that time when you got mugged and you were so scared that you couldn’t speak, think or even move? Remember that? No? Well then you’ve had some other experiences where you were so scared that you simply couldn’t move – literally or figuratively. Fear does that to a person.
Many times our fears are unfounded though and often just an illusion of our imagination that seem so real that they leave us paralysed. It’s important to remember though that the devil specializes in the area of illusion and will vigorously try to convince us that our fears are real. I therefore do not think it’s a coincidence that the Bible encourages us to put on the helmet of salvation (knowing who God is, what He did for us and who we are in Him) and on another occasion to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
Now you may be a very macho dude, much more than I am or ever will be; well, good for you! The reality, though is that without putting on the armour of God, operating under the influence of His Holy Spirit and having the love of God firmly rooted in your heart, you will succumb to the devil’s Jedi mind tricks.