When last were you feeling low? This week has not been a good week for me.
Not for any particular reason either. Maybe a bunch of small things but by and large just a general feeling of ‘bleargh’. Being a little bit sick hasn’t helped because each little thing gets magnified and makes you feel even worse. Add in some social media arguments and lack of motivation for the writing I have to do and suddenly it starts feeling pretty big.
And we all go through this right? I think it’s easier when something substantial has happened like a friend has died or you’ve failed an exam because then you can apportion a lot of the blame to that thing. But when there is nothing you can hang the blame on it just feels that extra little bit heavy.
What would Phil do?
As I sat down to write this I was reminded of the verse from this old Phil Collins song:
When I’m feeling blue, all I have to do
Is take a look at you, then I’m not so blue
When you’re close to me, I can feel your heart beat
I can hear you breathing near my ear
Wouldn’t you agree, baby you and me got a groovy kind of love
I posted something earlier this week on social media as I was particularly missing my best friend who died of cancer almost two years ago. And my friends showed up. Although similar to the Fast and the Furious Crew I see most of my good friends as family. And they really got in there.
Texts, messages, someone took me out for coffee, others sent me hilarious videos. So many different ways of people saying “I am there for you” – and it worked.
Lights at ends of tunnels
I don’t think I’m totally over it, but yesterday was a much better day.
Hanging out with my wife Val this week has also been particularly fun and we’ve been watching some fun shows together and even playing some computer games (she never plays computer games) with each other.
The Phil Collins song seems to be speaking more of a lover than just a friend, but it carries that same kind of message – just knowing that people who care about you, get you and are close is so much of the battle won.
Pay it forward
Life is busy and everyone gets busy and so when people step aside from that and focus on you it feels good. The lesson to be learned here is that I’m going to be alright again (I am almost there). But I will know someone (and probably multiple someones) who is not alright. Am I that kind of friend for them?
Do I look for the signs in those around me? Do I pick up the phone and call (like my mate Mark did immediately when he saw my status despite the fact that we haven’t spoken for over a year)? Do I leave a funny voice note? Or send an encouraging message or verse?
As I have received it this week, may it be a constant reminder that I must also give. We can be the light to someone else’s tunnel.