A few days ago, myself and my husband were shopping at our local grocery store. The store was very busy and the queues for the paying station were extremely long. Each counter had a queue of over 10 people, all waiting to pay for their groceries.
My husband walked the aisles searching for the shortest queue but there was unfortunately no short queue. So we had to wait patiently for our turn just as everyone else did. We had to find joy in the journey.
Life is very similar to this, sometimes the unexpected happens in life and we have to be patient and wait on the Lord for His perfect timing. We as humans tend to want to see results quickly and in the very fast paced, technological world we live in,
we are so accustomed to finding our answers at the click of a button. We want to solve problems quickly and delay’s frustrate us.
I want to encourage you, if you are in a situation that is frustrating you or something is delaying in your life that you can’t control and nothing is going as planned. Just remember that God is in control, and He has a plan and purpose for your life.
He is the Creator of all things. He parted the Red Sea so just think how much more can He do for you. Trust him.
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” Proverbs 3:5
We have to trust God and trust His time, not ours. Even when we don’t understand the situation we are faced with.
The bible teaches us in Nehemiah 8:10 that the “Joy of the Lord is our strength”.
So next time you are in a shopping queue and running late and everything seems to be going wrong, or maybe it’s another 100 different types of situations that frustrate or delay you, leave it in God’s Hands and remember this lesson for all hardships in life, that our strength comes from God, because the joy of the Lord is our strength.
So next time something goes wrong, big or small, find the joy in your journey and put your trust in God.
That is our new family saying: “Finding Joy in the Journey”.
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