I don’t know too much about building, but for friends that have had a house built or are involved in a construction process I know that it’s a sure sign of progress when they declare proudly that the foundation has been completed. That’s the most important part of a building because you know that there’s something to build on. Once the walls start taking shape on top of that foundation, the excitement is tangible and there’s talk of paint colours and fixtures, as the dream starts to become a reality. It’s no more just rolls of plans and markers and pegs in the ground, it’s something to live or work in. Jesus said this in Luke 6:47-49.
Whether a real bricks and mortar structure or the way you manage your life, you’re not going to go far without a solid foundation. I’ve had this concept on my mind a LOT over the last while, dealing with some challenging situations that have seen me ask God a thousand and one questions. At first it was really scary, and I was asking those dangerously irrational questions like: “Does God even love me?” When we allow the foundations of our faith to become more like spit and newspaper than cement and bricks, we’ve regressed. Our faith can never become a fortress with a base like that! And so I had to change my thinking, with the Truth out of God’s Word as the base, and not my silliness and irrational questioning. Things started to change. They had to, because Jesus said that they would!
Now the storms of life are beating against my ‘house’ and I’m still standing. Not because I’m so great, but because Jesus has expressed the best way to approach this thing called life and I need to listen. As His follower, I’m working hard to do just that – follow Him!