It’s been said that we are living in a time known as the Information Age. The reason being that almost anything we want to know about can be delivered to us on some device or other in a matter of seconds. Want to know when Brad Pitt’s birthday is? Just google it. Interested in knowing what the weather will be two days from now on the other side of the world? Voice search it on your phone. Or maybe you want to have an idea of where Jay Z had breakfast this morning? No problem. It might be on someone’s Twitter or Instagram. There’s no doubt about it: information is everywhere for us to access sweat-free.
Yet, there is a downside to having an excess amount of anything. As the saying goes, and I paraphrase, too much of a good thing can be destructive. It’s so easy to get caught up in ‘things’ and forget to focus on what really matters. Being busy with ‘stuff’ and having access to information doesn’t equal productivity and it certainly doesn’t equal fulfilling life purpose.
Celebrated Hollywood actor and producer, Mark Wahlberg (The Italian Job, The Departed, Transformers: Age of Extinction), shares, in an interview with TV personality Piers Morgan, some deep thoughts about the power of focus and what it enables him to do in his career. He also shares about the source of his focus and how that relationship has transformed him.
For true and lasting success to be possible, it is so important to know how to focus on what really matters, the things that count. That doesn’t come easy in a world like ours where there is so much ‘noise’ and a lot that is screaming for our attention.
If you are in a place in your life now where you have preoccupied yourself and used up a lot of your time with things that have little value and need to focus on a higher purpose, we want to invite you to discover a relationship of faith – one that really matters. Click on the banner below and watch the video or, if you have questions, we’d love to hear from you.