“You know what, it’s not your life, it’s life. Life is bigger than you, if you can imagine that. Life isn’t something that you possess, it’s something that you take part in and witness.”
– Louise C.K.
For some of us, the prospect of living a life for something greater than ourselves is hard to grasp. I’m yet to find the solid facts, but, I have solid word that lov… I mean, LIFE is about service, and that when we tap into doing whatever we do for a greater cause then we will be able to grasp the true meaning of happiness – in all of its glory. Forget the CSI and BEE points. This is the real thing!
For the person who pursues a relationship with God (which, in this case is me, and hopefully you too), then I want to put it to you that there is untapped power in service.
What is this thing? Service? Serving?
The Bible holds so many promises for the servant. Serving God is, in many ways like being a parent. Parents usually need to serve their children in one way or the other – for life! One of the best services a parent can do for their child is, well, teaching them how to serve. In other words, when a parent brings up a spoilt child, they’ve actually done them a disservice.
Honestly, I grew up in a Christian household, with Christian parent’s, went to a Christian primary school and there were times when I thought to myself, “How on earth am I going to keep up this relationship with God for my whole life? A lifetime is long!!!”
Challenges stop people from serving and loving God for a lifetime:
- Youth: Psalms 25:7 (ESV) Remember not the sins of my youth or my transgressions…
A lot of us tend to think, “I’m young, I have time”. But, if we’re not careful, what we do in our youth can derail us for life, leaving us to deal with consequences that take the greater part of our life to fix – or not…Don’t fall into the trap of waiting to serving God until “you’re older” – you might never get there; - People tend to lose the passion to serve, as they get older: Most people serve God most passionately when they first find him. Revelation 2:4 (KJV) Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Men and women in love for the first time go totally crazy and that’s how God expects us to be in our service to Him. It takes skill and determinations to keep one’s first love (Haha! This we know!)
- As we age life gets more complex: We have many more responsibilities that can steal our time for God. Ecclesiastes 12:1 (ESV) Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, “I have no pleasure in them”; This verse shows us at least two things – that it is sensible to serve God when we are young and life is simpler. Secondly, life gets more complicated and troubled as we age, so it follows that it will become harder to serve Him then. Remembering God, through service, from a young age will actually reduce the troubles that come later in life. In fact, life goes a whole lot better when we serve God from our youth.
- People tend to get harder and more full of complaints as they age: Cynical, disappointed, disillusioned people would rather find fault with those that are serving than serving themselves. That’s why Jesus challenges us to remain like little children – full of hope and obedient and believing – Matthew 18:3 (ISV) Then he said, “I tell you with certainty, unless you change and become like little children, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven.
- The more skilled, educated, better off, privileged we become the harder it can be to serve: In fact, the very blessings of God can distract us from serving Him. 1 Peter 5:6 (ISV) Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that at the proper time he may exalt you.
Here are the blessings of a lifetime of service:
- The Bible has many promises of long life, pleasant ageing and fruitfulness for those that serve God – Psalms 92:13 (NIV) planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green,
- There are great heavenly rewards for those that serve God consistently: Matthew 25:21 (NIV) “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
If you’re interested to know more about how you can serve God for a lifetime, or if this is the first time you’ve heard about something like this and you’re intrigued, why don’t you click on the banner below?