You know what is life changing? Godly friendships. No I don’t mean the friendship that is godly cuz y’all met at church. I mean an intentional, Godly friendship that requires commitment and effort.
These are actually few and far between, and you’re lucky if you’re blessed with one. The thing is though, it’s not just the blessing that’s bestowed on you, it’s the effort you put into it.
Anyone who knows me and my best friend, will most likely know that where there is Tams, there is Unathi. And vice versa. My husband, Eddie once told me he knew when we started dating that I was a package deal; I came attached to Unathi and two cats.
However, it was not always smooth sailing. In the beginning, Unathi and I fought A LOT. We have different communication styles, love languages, cultural backgrounds and just interests in general. We’re almost total opposites. It took us a long time to figure out how “we” work.
One day after yet another silly argument about something insignificant, Unathi and I sat down and discussed it, and said a decision had to be made. Either we let fighting get the best of us, or we acknowledge that God put us in each other’s lives for a reason, our friendship was godly, and we’d fight for it no matter what.
From the moment we made that decision there was no doubt. Sure we still had fights; anyone close to us would remember some of the doozies. But. No matter how bad the fight, or how mad we were, or how long we didn’t speak, we both knew that we couldn’t NOT be friends. We just were.
And we fought to keep it that way. We put aside our pride. We learned to communicate with each other in a way that works for us both. We learned to be more open towards each other’s perspective. We chose to put our friendship first. We fought less and learned more.
All because we decided that God was the centre of our friendship.
She has my back like no other (Except maybe Eddie. Between the two of them I feel like I have bodyguards), she keeps me grounded, she keeps me accountable, she helps me in my walk with God. She was a fantastic bridesmaid and a great encouragement in my new walk as a wife; where she had to make space for my husband to be before her and did so with grace.
God has taught me a lot about loving others, appreciating others, friendship, and relationships and how all of these things are a blessing. And He taught me through this friendship. A godly friendship.