Do you feel as though everyone else seems to have it all together except you? Are you struggling with a life-crisis caused by a personal character flaw, indiscretion, or misstep? Let me assure you that you’re not alone.
There is a powerful story in the Bible, of a man called Moses (you can find his story in Exodus 2 and 3). Consider the mess Moses got himself into. At age 39, Moses was at the apex of society, of status, of wealth, of educational pedigree, as the adopted son of the most prominent man in the world – Pharaoh. He was at the pinnacle of all society. And then he murdered an Egyptian he saw beating a slave. He buried the body and thought he had gotten away with it. But Moses was exposed the next day and had to flee for his life in the wilderness. Moses went from high society to desert nomad in just one day. And you’re talking about a drastic change in everything about his life.
Moses probably felt like his life was over and thought there was no chance for him ever again doing anything of significance. But, even though what Moses did was evil and wrong, God did not abandon him. God took Moses’ evil and turned it into a means for good by preparing him for the challenge of his life – calling on Pharaoh to release all the Hebrew slaves.
Perhaps you can relate to what Moses went through. No matter how bad your fall or how serious your character flaw or how much difficulty you face in life – don’t give up. Turn to the Lord with trust and let God do something powerful in your life. Let God develop all the Godly attributes that He wants you to have in your life. Just like He did for Moses, God still has great plans for your life!
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise. – Psalm 51:17
If you’d like to embrace this truth and begin to live with the hope that things can and will get better for you, click on the banner below.
Content credits: rightfromtheheart.org