A South African “prophet” has recently made the news for healing people with an insecticide called “Doom”. His claim that God heals with Doom is attracting much criticism around the world.
Apparently, people come to him for prayer when faced with various diseases and ailments. He claims that when he prays, God turns the Doom spray into healing spray and people are miraculously cured. He is pretty convincing and even uses Scripture to supportĀ his claims. The verse he uses is this one found in Mark 16:18 which says that followers of Jesus canĀ “… drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
I believe this verse is not referring to drinking poison for the sake of it and expecting not to be harmed. Rather, this verse is saying that should Jesus’ disciples be captured and persecuted, if they are forced to drink poison as a means of death, God will miraculously save them from its effects.
God does not need us to spray Doom in people’s faces in order to heal them. The Bible teaches in James 5:15 that prayer offered in faith will heal the sick. It’s God’s miraculous power that heals, not insecticide that has been “blessed”.
It’s stories like this that gives Christianity a bad name. Please don’t be led astray by strange accounts of absurd things. Yes, God can do anything and He can use anybody. But I honestly do not believe that God is involved in healing via Doom insecticide spray.
Furthermore, the Bible talks about false prophets who deceive and lead people astray with various sign and wonders. Matthew 24:24 says, “For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones.”
Any awesome and miraculous things that God does can be confirmed in the Bible. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
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