Have you ever been completely frustrated that someone else is right about something? We all have a built-in desire to be correct – to have the moral ‘upper hand’ so that we can lord it over our counterparts. In many ways we think God is like that with us. We know He will always be right. We know we will make mistakes and be wrong about multiple aspects of any given situation. But God isn’t like us. He does not enjoy belittling us because of our faults. In fact, His intention is quite the opposite.
God wants to partner with us
I know it might be a strange concept. Sometimes I don’t understand it. But then if I could completely understand God, He wouldn’t be God. God wants to work with us. He made us to have a role in His plan.
Why He would entrust His perfect creation to you and I is a profound mystery. We have done some incredibly terrible things to this world – from pollution to corrupt social systems – yet God still intended for us to have a hand in how this world works.
Where we have gone wrong, however, is that we have taken hold of the reigns and completely lost our connection with God. We have gone rogue with God’s precious creation. Humanity is like a teenager driving a car without a license or instructor – dangerous and oblivious. When we lose our connection to the creator, all of a sudden the ‘creation’ becomes hazardous.
God wants to do things with you
There is no reason why God could not make everything happen around us. But He chooses for us to have a say so that we can interact with Him. When we find ourselves hopelessly floundering around with something that is meant to have meaning, there is hopefully a moment of clarity where we can stop and turn to the person who initiated the activity and the created the subject matter before us. God is like that with us. He is sitting beside you – watching you try to make sense of the elements He has placed in your life. He has intentionally given you tools and weapons that are meant to be good for you – but without His involvement they can end up harming us.
One of my favorite names for God is Father. Unfortunately many in our generation have no reference of a father, but we all have desires to be fathered. We all have desires to be guided and affirmed. We all have desires to be instructed and included. A father does that to a child – it’s part of his role. God does that with us. He made us with activities in mind that He could do with us. He has planned so many adventures for you and I – where we get to discover the His mysteries and wonders that He has hidden especially for us.
In the Bible God rarely does something without the partnership of man. The flood required Noah to build an ark. The plagues in Egypt required the staffs of Moses and Aaron. The death of Goliath required the stone in David’s sling. The fire from heaven required the bravery of Elijah. God wants us to be involved in His magnificent story. We are not simple pawns on the chessboard of life. We are active members in a narrative way bigger than we could ever know.
If you feel led to update your perspective of who God is to you – click on the link below to find out how to have a meaningful relationship with God. He’s been waiting all your life for you to include Him in your mess.