A happy mom, what is that? What does it look like or feel like? As a mom I feel like I go between an array of emotions on a daily basis. Hello, parenting emotional rollercoaster of emotions! Most of the time, I feel happy, or think that I’m happy. But if I had to be honest with you, like most moms, I too have days, weeks or seasons where I feel like I am drowning in motherhood.
Debunking the perfect Mom myth
Thank goodness we live in an era where we have become more open to speaking about the “happy, not so happy, the good, the bad, the ugly and everything in between when it comes to parenting”. As a means of keeping that honest open relatable dialogue flowing, and as a means of encouraging and empowering one another to keep going with our heads held high in the rollercoaster fun-filled adventure that is parenting.
I do not believe that there is such a thing as “The perfect-all together-always happy” mom, as much as we would love to believe in that thought, in reality here on planet earth there are only real moms, trying to do their best with what they have, and in the season of life that they find themselves in.
In order to remain semi sane, also known as ‘happy’, one needs to be aware of the following as a means of gently loving oneself whether it be mentally, emotionally or physically. Here are a few ways to feed and nurture your well-being, which will ultimately feed and flow into your every day. Hopefully, the following list of tips below will help you to feel refreshed and empowered as a mom who is ready to take on the world!
Habits of happy moms
1 . They know when to have fun – I fully believe and endorse the notion that us moms need to know when to have fun, and to retain our sense of humor. Often, I see or come across fellow moms who are miserable, who only focus on the bad and negative aspects of parenting because, truth be told, they have forgotten to live a little, and have forgotten to laugh. Joy and laughter is one of the best ways to stay refreshed, energized and it makes you feel good afterwards!
2 . They ask for help – Real moms know when to ask for help, perfect moms on the other hand struggle in silence. We are not machines, we have feelings and emotions and sometimes we get sick and are man down. Do not let pride stop you from asking for help, you will be surprised at how many willing hands there are around you.
3 . They make time for their friends – It’s hard to invest in ‘me time’ let alone ‘friend time’. But with a little planning, and diarizing it can be done. Book your friend or friends for monthly coffee catch up and let the conversation and giggles flow. Girl time is the best needed therapy for us moms.
4 . They choose their battles wisely – A wise mom will know when to go to war, or when to let those little not so important things go to the wayside. Repeat with me: YOU DO NOT NEED TO FIGHT YOUR CHILD ON EVERY LITTLE THING. If you do, you will probably end up losing your mind!
5 . They forgive quickly – Forgiveness keeps your heart light and free from any emotional bondage. Let any offense go and move forward in freedom and in joy!
6 . They invest in ‘Me time’ – Okay, as we mentioned earlier this is very hard for most moms to invest the time into, but it is so important to have moments where you can escape the crazy that is parenting and go where it’s quiet and just have those moments all to yourself!
7 . They sleep well – Again, another hard one to crack. There are seasons where children refuse to sleep altogether, or only sleep in your bed, whilst you sleep on the floor. But try to clock in at least 7-8 hours of decent sleep.
8 . They meal prep – Meal prep in our home is a winner. It saves us time, which means less stress and no last-minute rushing around.
9 . They take vitamins and stay active – Staying active and eating healthy will energize you, de-stress you and it will keep you fit and happy.
You don’t need to be the perfect robotic mom – just be you, by being the healthiest and happiest version of yourself!