What are your first thoughts when you hear the phrase “Love Myself?” I find it to be such a controversial statement, in this day and age; it can easily be taken in a negative light. In a world where selfies, superstars, entertainment and SELF confidence is at the forefront of our culture, it’s hard to say that you love yourself because it could come across as conceited or self-centred, and that’s the last thing we want people to think of us.
At the end of the day it comes down to us caring what people think. Why do we as humans care so much about what others think of us? That is a tough question to ask because it might cause us to actually dig deep and find some issues that we do not want to face.
I took the time to ask some people in my world what is the first thing was they thought of when they hear the phrase “Love Myself “, and these are the answers I got.
“Identity – What is my identity?”
“That song from Hailee Seinfeld” haha I thought that was funny
“Do I love myself??”
“Being called vain”
“Selfies” Hahaha
“You do not care what people think because you know God Loves you”
“Knowing that your worth comes from God”
“Acknowledging your beauty inside and out”
“Being full of yourself”
These were just a few honest answers that I got from ladies that I know. Some of them are positive and some are not so positive, but all of them are real feelings of how people see themselves. If I can be honest, there are times I don’t know if I like myself, but then I have to ask another honest question: “Do I have the revelation of knowing who I am in Jesus?”
Sometimes you can be the “most spiritual person” but still struggle with loving yourself. Knowing that you are made in the image of God is one thing, but actually making a decision to believe it is another. It is a daily decision that we have to make, that what the word of God says about me is true.
Hailee Seinfeld’s New single “Love Myself” is a declaration of freedom in being who you are. Also there is a short clip of behind the scenes of why she decided to do this song.
It is my hope that we all can learn to be confident in our own skin. What would happen if we all decided to love ourselves in a healthy way, not in a vein or conceited way, but in a way that would inspire others around us to love themselves.
Our true Identity comes from God, and who we really are lies in what the bible says.
If this post has spoken to you, I encourage you to click on the banner below to know more about how you can learn to love yourself; because you are made in His image.